What would you not leave home without?

What is it that you ensure that you must have with you everyday? I guess that for most people these days, their mobile phone must be at the top of the list. The things that are most important to us are dependent on what we are doing at that time.

Amy, what have you done?

There is a sadness when anyone dies unnaturally, and the younger they are, the worse it seems. When a loss is related to drugs or alcohol, we often feel that the death was unnecessary and many people can become judgmental and critical of the person that has died. Such attitudes are often built around prejudice… Continue reading Amy, what have you done?

Who Moved My Cheese?

Last week saw the birthday of my son Robert, Happy Birthday Robert. Twenty-three is a good age! The issue of what do you buy a twenty-three year old doesn’t really come into play as Robert is a, not so secret, consumer, and so Rie and I took him to the Trafford in Manchester so that… Continue reading Who Moved My Cheese?


Celebration and gratitude go hand in hand and one without the other never works. When people talk about the law of attraction, that acknowledges that what we think about we bring about, states clearly that feelings of gratitude lead to an ever more positive experience and that by being grateful we can attract more of… Continue reading Celebration